Assessment Planners
Each semester, in approximately week 3, we issue each student an individualised assessment planner which provides:
- Assessment type and unit details;
- Approximate dates of drafts and final submissions / test dates.
Individualised Assessment planners can by accessed by students logging into (using their school log on) or parents who have joined Q Parents, will have access to the planners via their Q Parents portal.
Whole Year Level Assessment Planners are available via the newsletter link, (on the left hand side bar when in the newsletter). Parents/carers and students will need to highlight their classes on it as it will have every class for that year level on it. But it will give parents/carers an idea of what their student/s should be working on. The definite due dates are on the front of the assessment items. They may be slightly different to the planners due to adjustments made as the course is delivered.