


​​​​Year 7 Overview

Year 7 at Isis District SHS is designed to allow students the room to settle into high school whilst giving them a taste test of a range of Arts and Technology subjects. To that end, it does not allow students to choose their program of study. Instead it is allowing them to try subjects in order to start to determine where their fields of interest lie, what they enjoy and what they are not suited to.

We are following the Australian Curriculum requirements in terms of the subjects offered and the amount of time students participate in them. Therefore as students move through high school, their ability to select parts of their course will broaden as will the subjects on offer. Specifically in Year 7, students will study the following subjects for the lessons nominated. However, in Term 3 of Year 7, they will be able to select for Year 8, four of the “Elective” subjects to try in more depth in Year 8.

The subjects on offer to Year 7 students are illustrated in the table below:

Core Subjects:


-     Term rotation of each group

-     2 lessons per week per subject

English (ENG) (3 lessons per week)

Mathematics (MAT) (3 lessons per week)

Science (SCI) (3 lessons per week)

Health and Physical Education (HPE) (2 lessons per week)


(3 lessons per week)

History (HIS) and Geography (GEO)

LOTE – Japanese (1 lesson per week)

The Arts subjects:

Art (ART)

Dance (DAN)

Drama (DRA)

Media (MED)

Technology subjects:

Food and Fibre Production (TFF) - Agriculture

Digital Technology (DIG)

Food Specialisation (TFD) - Cooking

Design and Technology (DAT)

Year 8 Overview

The subject selection for Isis District SHS Year 8 students is quite prescriptive as the core subjects remain similar to Year 7 and include: English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, HPE and LOTE: Japanese. However, in line with Australian Curriculum requirements, students will also study a term each of Economics & Business and Civics & Citizenship.

Complimenting these core areas are the electives which cover the other key learning areas of The Arts and Technology. Students study four electives per year in Year 8 at Isis District SHS, each run for a semester (6 months). The number of students selecting the course determines if it will run each year.

The subjects on offer to Year 8 students are illustrated in the table below:

Core Subjects:


-     Total of four (4) electives, minimum of one (1) of each group studied

-     Two studied per semester

-     2 lessons per week per subject

English (ENG) (3 lessons per week)

Mathematics (MAT) (3 lessons per week)

Science (SCI) (3 lessons per week)

Health and Physical Education (HPE) (2 lessons per week)

Humanities - Term rotation of each of the following:

(3 lessons per week)

History (HIS)

Geography (GEO)

Economics and Business (BUS)

Civics and Citizenship (CTZ)

LOTE – Japanese (1 lesson per week)

The Arts Electives:

Art (ART)

Dance (DAN)

Drama (DRA)

Media (MED)

Technology Electives:

Food and Fibre Production (TFF) – Agriculture

Design and Technology (DAT)

Food Specialisation (TFD) - Cooking

Digital Technologies (DIG)

Year 9 Overview

Year 9 at Isis District SHS is the final year of Junior School and as such, continues to broaden the students’ choice of electives in order for students to gain a better understanding of their own skills, likes and dislikes before they start to narrow their course of study towards their Senior and future pathways.

We are following the Australian Curriculum requirements in terms of the subjects offered and the amount of time students participate in them. As a result, the range of subjects on offer to Year 9 students broadens as the number of compulsory subjects reduces from those studied in Years 7 and 8. This will again reduce in Year 10 to only four compulsory subjects.

The subjects on offer to Year 9 students are illustrated in the table below:

Core Subjects:


-     Four (4) subjects, two (2) per semester

-     3 lessons per week per subject

English (ENG) (3 lessons per week)

Mathematics (MAT) (3 lessons per week)

Science (SCI) (3 lessons per week)

Health and Physical Education (HPE) (2 lessons per week)

History (HIS) (2 lessons per week)

The Arts Electives:

Art (ART)

Dance (DAN)

Drama (DRA)

Media (MED)

Technology Electives:

Food and Fibre Production (TFF) – Agriculture

Digital Technologies (DIG)

Food Specialisation (TFD) - Cooking

Design and Technology (DAT)

Metal Technology (MTE)

Wood Technology (WTE)

Humanities Electives:

Economics & Business (ECB)

Civics & Citizenship (CIV) 

Geography (GEG)

Year 10 Overview

Year 10 at Isis District SHS is the first year of Senior School and as such, students’ choice of electives should be aligned with their future aspirations in order to prepare students for their Senior and future pathways.

We are following the Australian Curriculum requirements in terms of the subjects offered and the amount of time students participate in them. As a result, the range of elective subjects on offer to Year 10 students broadens as the number of compulsory subjects reduces from those studied in the junior years.

The subjects on offer to Year 10 students are illustrated in the table below:

Core Subjects:


-     Three (3) subjects for the year

-     3 lessons per week per subject

English (ENG) (3 lessons per week)

Mathematics (MAT) (3 lessons per week)

Science (SCI)

(3 lessons per week if not aiming to study Senior Sciences)

Science Towards Senior (STS)

(3 lessons per week if aiming to study Senior Sciences)

Health and Physical Education (HPE) 

(1 or 2 lessons per week depending on Science selection)

The Arts Electives:

Art (ART)

Dance (DAN)

Drama (DRA)

Media (MED)

Humanities Electives:

Economics and Business (ECB)

History (HIS)

Civics and Citizenship (CIV)

Technology Electives:

Food and Fibre Production (TFF) – Agriculture

Digital Technologies (DIG)

Food Specialisation (TFD) - Cooking

Design and Technology (DAT)

Metal Technology (MTE)

Wood Technology (WTE)

Health & Physical Education Electives:

Exercise Science (EXE)

Senior Overview

Senior years at Isis District SHS is based on a broad offering of academic subjects and a diverse array of accredited vocational education, offered within and external to the school. Senior students are also able to access vocational programs not able to be offered at the school, such as hairdressing and automotive, through the partnership with TAFE and Fitness at CQU. The school also supports students participating in School-based Traineeships and Apprenticeships in order to establish a career pathway after completion of school.

Some subjects are able to be offered via virtual schooling or distance education. All senior students are supported in planning an individual learning pathway to a viable post-school destination.

Please note some elective subjects will not run each year as each cohort have different interests.

Key Learning Areas


General Subjects

​Applied or VET Certificate Subjects

* Applied                ~ VET Certificate Subjects



​Essential English (*)


General Mathematics

Mathematical Methods

Essential Mathematics (*)






Modern History

Health & Physical Education

Physical Education


​Sport & Recreation (*)

The Arts

Visual Art


​Media Arts in Practice (*)

Visual Arts in Practice (*)



​Legal Studies


Agricultural Practices (*)

Early Childhood Studies (*)

Engineering Skills (*)

Furnishing Skills (*)

Industrial Graphics Skills (*)

Tourism (*)

Certificate II Retail (~)

Certificate II Hospitality (~)


​Know Thyself Program

Senior Preparation Program


Aquatic Practices (*)​

Certificate II in Foundation Skills & Vocational Pathways (~)
Last reviewed 26 November 2024
Last updated 26 November 2024